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Donald Trump says he will ask the Judge to step aside

According to Donald Trump, there are "very powerful grounds" for asking the judge in his election fraud case to resign.

Without her, he asserted, "there is no way I can get a fair trial."

He called after the prosecution asked for a court order to restrict what he could say in public regarding the case.

Former President Barack Obama chose Tanya Chutkan as the judge.

Trump declared the case to be "the ridiculous freedom of speech, slash fair elections case" on his social media network, Truth Social, on Sunday morning. He also stated that his legal team would immediately request the judge's recusal.

He does not explain why he is asking her to resign in detail.

Judge Chutkan has recently been the target of numerous attacks from Mr. Trump's allies. Judge Chutkan previously rejected Mr. Trump's attempts to hide evidence from the House January 6 Committee. She and the Department of Justice (DOJ) were referred to as "highly partisan and very corrupt" by Mr. Trump.

According to NBC News, Judge Chutkan, who was appointed in 2014, is the only federal judge in Washington who has handed down sentences against defendants in instances connected to the Capitol disturbance on January 6 that are lengthier than those that the DOJ requested.

According to the US Department of Justice, any US judge must recuse oneself from any case in which their objectivity could be legitimately questioned.

Mr. Trump stated he would ask for more than just the judge's recusal. He also requests that his lawsuit be transferred from Washington.

He claims that Washington, which he characterises as "anti-Trump," makes it "impossible for him to get a fair trial."

John Lauro, Mr. Trump's attorney, claimed on Sunday that the former leader "believed in his heart of hearts" that he would win the 2020 election.

Speaking to US TV networks, he claimed that Mr. Trump was under attack for using his First Amendment freedom of speech rights.

Just one day after entering a not guilty plea to four charges in the alleged election fraud case, Mr. Trump posted on Truth Social earlier this week, in all caps, "If you go after me, I am coming after you!"

The same evening, the prosecutors requested a protective order to stop "the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials, including to the public" because they were concerned Mr. Trump may reveal sensitive information.

The legal team for Donald Trump has until Monday at 17:00 local time to respond to the submission, according to Judge Tanya Chutkan. Attorneys for Mr. Trump requested a further three days, but the judge denied their request.

On August 28, it is anticipated that Judge Chutkan, a well-known hardliner in cases involving persons suspected of taking part in the Capitol disturbances, would call in attorneys from both sides to discuss scheduling a trial date.

The allegations against the former president come from his acts following the 2020 election, especially those surrounding the Capitol riot on January 6. They include conspiracy to defraud the US, interfering with a witness, and conspiracy against the rights of citizens.

The 61-year-old judge has developed a reputation for handing down severe punishments to anyone found guilty of taking part in the riots during the previous two years. According to a Washington Post count, Judge Chutkan has sentenced everyone of the 31 defendants who have been before her to at least some jail time.

In total, Mr. Trump will now stand trial in five separate cases: two civil cases involving business practises and alleged defamation of a woman who accused him of rape, and three criminal cases involving the classified papers case, the hush money case, and these election-related charges.
