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Health Benefits of eating Nuts

Although they are frequently praised for their delicious flavour and portability, nuts are also well-liked for other reasons. Making nuts a regular component of your diet has long been praised by scientists for its positive effects on health. 

Nuts come in a wide variety. A variety of almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, and other nuts are typically included in raw mixed nuts. They are easily accessible at practically any supermarket or petrol station and are incredibly nutritious. 

:Health Benefits

Nuts are a nutrient-dense food that include the majority of the vitamins and minerals the body need. They are one of the main sources of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a number of health advantages, including the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and dementia and the reduction of rheumatoid arthritis.

Other factors to consider while include nuts in your diet include 

-:Weight loss

The high fat content of nuts may appear paradoxical for someone trying to lose weight. But since almost all of the fats in nuts are unsaturated, consuming them makes you feel fuller for longer, which encourages you to eat less calories over time. According to studies, those who consume nuts frequently have a decreased risk of gaining weight than those who do not 

-:Diabetes control

Researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health have discovered compelling arguments in favour of advising routine nut consumption as a means of controlling diabetes. A controlled study found that individuals with type 2 diabetes who consumed more than five servings of nuts per week had a 17% lower chance of developing heart disease. 

-:Prevent Heart Disease

Numerous studies have demonstrated how nuts are good for your heart. A lower incidence of myocardial infarctions and coronary heart disease is associated with eating nuts at least four times a week. 

-:Improve Cholesterol

 Additionally, nuts are crucial in controlling cholesterol. Researchers have discovered a link between consuming nuts at least a couple times weekly and a drop in triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels. Having lower cholesterol is linked to a lower risk of heart attack or stroke. 


A collection of eight antioxidant molecules known as Vitamin E, which is found in nuts, helps prevent cancer and osteoporosis. 

-:Nuts are a fantastic source of 

 Potassium • 

 Calcium • 

 Phosphorous • 

 Folic Acids • 

-:Nutrients Per Serving

A 1/4 cup of raw mixed nuts contains:

 Calories: 165 •

 Protein: 4 grams •

 Fat: 16 grams •

 Carbohydrates: 4 grams •

 Fiber: 3 grams •

 Sugar: 0 grams •

:Portion Sizes 

The healthiness of different nut mixtures varies. Some, for instance, may have their nutritional value diminished by being laced with excessive levels of sodium or flavouring. Generally speaking, raw almonds are the healthiest option. 

:How to Eat Nuts 

 The majority of grocery and convenience stores carry nuts, which are a widely available item. Make careful to buy raw nuts without additional sodium for the healthiest alternative 

At any time of the day, but particularly in the middle of the afternoon when most people's energy levels tend to wane, they make a great snack 

There are numerous strategies to increase the amount of nuts in your diet, including 

A yoghurt parfait is a great place to add chopped walnuts

Make your own almond butter, a well-liked substitute for peanut butter, by grinding your own almonds

Make banana nut bread from scratch •

Pecans can be added to a salad •

When creating vegetable stir fry, use cashew nuts 

Add almonds, a banana, and milk to a protein shake 

Make a Mediterranean-style salad using feta cheese, olives, and sliced almonds

Make a paste out of walnuts and herbs to use as a garnish for grilled chicken
