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How to start a blog:Chapter 3: the secret to creating viral content

How to create blog entries that readers will be genuinely interested in reading?

How thrilling! You've come this far!

I understand that everything here appears excessively complicated, but if you stick with me, it will all make sense and you will be able to establish a blog properly. And by "the right way," I mean that you'll be able to generate income.

You aren't doing this just for pleasure, let's face it!

You must ensure that your material is seen by as many people as possible if you want to make money. a large number of people!

It's true that you don't need to chase page views to start a blogging business, but at first, bring the crowds on!

So, do you want to know the secret about creating viral content?

Create in-depth, practical material that readers WANT to read and share.

It really is that easy.

Finding out what this form of content is when you first start out is not that easy.

But this is the reason you are here. And I'll explain to you step-by-step how to carry it out.

?Who are you writing for

Because you post frequently or because your blog looks excellent (although it can help), people won't keep coming back to it. Because you provide people with value and publish helpful content, they will return and continue reading your site.

The value of having a specialty was discussed in chapter 1. It is much simpler to limit the kind of content you can produce if you are aware of the primary topic(s) of your blog.

Additionally, you must be certain that you are well aware of who your audience is once you have decided on the subjects you will cover.

Consider launching a blog about vegan dishes as an example:

  Do your followers seek scrumptious dishes in their lives and are they seasoned vegans

 Will you assist your folks in making the switch to a vegan diet if they are just beginning to do so

 Do your followers choose a vegan lifestyle out of moral obligation, yet they miss cheese and meat? If so, will you provide them with scrumptious, luxurious substitutes

You can see that it's simple to claim that I have a vegan blog. However, choosing who you will assist will have a significant impact on what and how you write your posts.

How to pick a topic for your blog:


You are aware of your audience now. You need to learn what interests your population.

?How do you go about doing that

You may just sit down with some blank paper and begin listing all the ideas that come to mind for topics. Some might function while others might not. And you may continue doing that for weeks. attempting to choose the best subjects for your blog entries.

 look for topics ideas on Buzzsumo.

is an effective tool that can help you determine which topics get the most social shares.

Additionally, a lot of social media shares indicate that a topic is well-liked. This indicates that readers are eager to learn more about it.

BuzzSumo is typically a paid tool, but if you sign up for a free account, you can conduct a limited number of free searches each month (so make them count).

Start by coming up with a few subjects and ideas for your area. I'll use vegan lunch menu ideas.

 Spy other blos/ websites you love

This is quite significant. You must ascertain who is currently carrying out your desired action. Who succeeds in doing it, too. Even if you already follow and adore some bloggers, keep looking into new ones. A list of at least 20–40 blogs is required to get started.

Furthermore, your investigation will never end! I continue to seek motivation today.

look for topics on websites like Quora or Reddit

Ideas can be found on websites like Reddit and Quora. Online forums are fantastic resources for identifying trending subjects and issues that your target audience is interested in.

For instance, I frequently see inquiries regarding how to begin and the advantages of intermittent fasting when I visit Quora and search for the Intermittent Fasting subreddit:

use answer the public

is a motivational website that integrates searches from Google and Bing on any given topic and presents them as a kind of search cloud.

When you enter a topic or keyword, all of the questions people are asking about that keyword are generated. You may also get a.csv file with all of these topic suggestions.


Okay, don't panic if you are unfamiliar with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Google search. It's not as difficult as it seems. And I'll go into more detail about it in chapter 5.

All you need to know right now is that knowing how many people search for a particular topic each month on Google can give you a significant advantage because you can write about something they are searching for.

You must seek for a keyword when searching for a topic on Google.

?What is a keyword

Simply said, a keyword is the search term someone enters into Google to find something. A keyword is a word that adequately sums up the information in your post.

Organize your ideas

Therefore, you are much better equipped to identify subjects for your writing now.

My advice is to compile all of these concepts into what I refer to as a Content Idea Worksheet:

• Write down themes that are pertinent to your niche and those you believe will be helpful to your audience as you begin to brainstorm.

• To come up with more focused ideas, use the five strategies mentioned above. At this point, you need to focus the topics a little bit further. You might want to know whether you're going to write a vegan pesto pasta recipe or a vegan meatball pasta recipe if you know you're going to write a vegan pasta dish.

• Group related concepts together; avoid using too much stuff that is too similar. Organise themes that are comparable and toss out suggestions that you believe won't be useful.

• Put every idea you have into a spreadsheet. Now that you have a tonne of ideas, you can easily record them all in a spreadsheet to create a content calendar.

:The secret power of your headlines

?Looking to learn a magic trick

You may dramatically increase your traffic by developing the art of writing powerful headlines.

The importance of headlines can surpass that of your post.

Do you understand why? Every day, millions of blog posts are published. Your headline needs to be distinctive. Attract interest. You can write the most amazing epic piece, but no one will read it if they don't click on your headline.

What typically produces an effective blog post headline is:

• To grab the reader's attention, start your sentence with a number (10, 32, 55, or 101).  that odd-numbered headlines can generate 20% more clicks. Worth learning.

• To make the headline flow well, combine forceful, emotional, common, and unique phrases; however, stay away from tacky click-bait headlines that devalue your content.

• Incorporate inquiries into your headlines.

• To make it stand out more, add brackets.

• Maintain a sense of mystery to entice visitors to click.

• To avoid disappointing your readers, make sure your title is accurate.

If  you are not sure about how to write a powerful headline, look at other bloggers in your niche

How to structure your post

Even while blogging relies heavily on conversational writing (write as you would speak to your best friend), each blog post needs to be engaging, intriguing, and simple to read.

You must determine the issue that your readers are trying to solve for each content. Additionally, you must always create high-quality material. Your top priority should be to do that. Writing one in-depth, helpful post every week is far preferable to writing three ordinary blog pieces.

You must ensure that you address each of the following in every blog article you write:

Irresistible headline

 Beautiful images 

 A catchy introduction

 An easy-to-read layout

 A conclusion


always quality over quantity. It doesn’t matter how many posts you write. All it matters is how good what you write is. One remarkable blog post is better than 10 mediocre ones

 :Chapter 4
  How to get traffic from Pinterest click here 
