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How to start a blog: Chapter 2:Techy stuff (how to set up your Blog)

1:Pick a domain name:

A domain name is just the name of a website expressed in a more complex manner.

After selecting your blog's theme or topics, you must now choose a name for it. I wish it were simpler! However, it took me days to think of a name for my blog.

My best recommendations for naming are:

• Choose a memorable name that is catchy.

• Make it simple to spell:

• Brief and sweet.

• Choose a name that is memorable and pertains to you and your topic of choice.

Write down numerous words that express how you want readers to feel about your blog or what it will be about if you are having trouble coming up with the ideal name. Next, try combining them, employing clever phrases, and trying to replace words with your own.

And have your pals try out the name you chose!

So let's begin by picking a name for your blog.

Once you have chosen your domain name and checked that it is available, you need to register the right to use it.

2: choose the right Blogging platform:

You must select a blogging platform before starting a blog.

What is a blogging platform?

An application or service that you utilise to post your material online is called a blogging platform. You can manage everything you make and submit new content. There are many blogging platforms available, some of which are totally free and some of which require payment.

Several of the popular blogging systems include:

• (free)

• same software, but you need install it on your web host)

• Wix

• Weebly

• Squarespace

• Medium

But one thing you need to know is that:

A blog that is provided for free cannot be used to generate income.

And the causes are as follows:

• You WILL NOT own the material of your blog or website if you choose a free service.

• You won't have many possibilities for customising your design, and you won't get any help.

• You will be limited in how many adverts you may place on your website in order to monetise it.

• Some unpaid services will display their own intrusive advertisements on your website.

• You might not be able to get approved for some affiliate marketing programmes, and your blog won't appear as professional.

Your website must be self-hosted on a web server that enables customization if you wish to monetize your blog.

3: Buy hosting for your Blog.

Despite the fact that fact that is cost-free , you must host your content on a server. Paying for hosting is a MUST if you're interested in monetizing your blog or turning it into a company.

But what is a web host?

Your data is stored on a hosting server. It is essentially the disc space for your blog. You require a location online where people can access everything you produce, similar to the hard disc on your laptop. It resembles "the cloud" for your blog in several ways.

This option is pricey, but if you configure your blog incorrectly, you won't be able to add advertisements to your page. 

4: pages,posts,and categories

We need to begin setting up the most crucial pages as soon as you've finished configuring the appearance of your blog.

The fundamental framework of your blog will be composed of pages, posts, and categories. You can always modify things, just like with everything else, but it's crucial to sit down and create a clear, functional framework for your site.

Create a new page in WordPress:

Your website pages are the static pages that will always be available on your website menu, as I previously explained. They often don't change or move from their position on your website unless you go into your editor to do so.

Some pages you should create right away are:

• Your About page

• A contact page

• A Privacy Policy page

Your About page:

What's this? It's not about you on your about page.

Really, I hear you saying. Yes, indeed! What you are going to do for your readers, how you will aid them, and what they will get from you if they become your biggest admirers should all be discussed on your about page.

It is important to explain to them how and why you plan to transform their life.

How to write an About page for your blog:

One of the most visited pages on your blog will soon be the About page. When readers of your site find you inspiring, they'll want to know more about you. However, what they truly want to know is how you plan to assist them.

Therefore, you must ensure that you provide answers to the following questions before you start blogging about your cat and posting pictures from high school:

1: Who is your blog for?

Make sure the About page conveys to visitors that they are in the appropriate place. Who would make the best reader? Anyone who visits this page needs to feel like they belong.

You might just inform them of your blog's purpose by saying:

Or you may describe your experience as if you were sharing their story to demonstrate to them that you completely understand how they feel. Be sympathetic. Write about your difficulties and the solutions you found. Show them that you understand what they are going through, that you have been there, and that you can assist.

Which one do you believe should be chosen? I'll leave that up to you.

2:. Why should they bother listening to you?

Make sure to explain how you would assist your readers to them. Will they have to travel somewhere? How should they begin?

Inform them of your accomplishments. Whether adopting a plant-based diet has altered your life or your love of crochet has allowed you to escape your demanding daily routine.

3:What action should they take next?

What should your readers do once they've read your About page? Join your newsletter today. browse a collection of posts? You must make it clear to them. They cannot be let to persist on their own. They will probably want more if they enjoyed your narrative. More to them!

How to make your blog legal?

Every website must have the Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and Terms and Conditions pages, which are the three most crucial legal pages.

There is no requirement that you have three distinct pages. I have a page with all of this information. However, you must ensure that the data on this page or pages is true and based on the software you have set up on your site. It won't work to simply copy and paste a privacy statement from another blog.

What is a Privacy Policy?

An explanation of all the methods you collect, use, disclose, and handle reader data is contained in a privacy policy. It complies with a legal mandate to safeguard readers' privacy.

What is a Disclaimer?

A disclaimer on your blog states that others should not rely on the information there and that you are not liable for anything you post there.

Simply put, a disclaimer shields you from legal action. You "disclaim" or "deny" obligation for the content you publish on your blog by including a disclaimer.

What are Terms and Conditions?

Terms and Conditions make it clear to readers what they may anticipate from your blog.

A Terms & Conditions agreement functions similarly to a user manual for your website. It addresses issues like intellectual property sharing, social norms, usage limitations, and liability protection.

Categories :

Your blog's primary subjects are determined by your post categories. Your blog topics are organised using category labels to make them simple for users to find. They serve as the primary menu items on your blog and are used to bundle all of your posts together to make them simpler to sift through and locate.

For example

• food



5: Menus and navigation:

Just to be clear. The majority of visitors will arrive at your website via social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest, or a search engine like Google. 90% of the time when people land on a certain post, they will click away and move on.

It is your duty to retain them on your blog for as long as you can. Making it simple for people to navigate your material is one approach to achieve this. Because it is how users will find your content, your menu is crucial.

Chapter 3/content: the secret to creating viral content click here 
