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Proven Chocolate Benefits on Health

Every year on July 7, International Chocolate Day enables chocolate lovers to indulge guilt-free in their preferred treat.

In 2009, the inaugural World Chocolate Day was observed.

The flavour of cacao must be developed by fermentation since the seeds of the cacao tree have an extremely bitter flavour. The processors dry, clean, and roast the beans after they have fermented. To make cocoa nibs, the shell is taken off after roasting.

benefits of chocolate to health:

Here are some important benefits of chocolate to help you eat it without feeling guilty

Contributes to Heart Health.

Numerous studies show that flavonoids can maintain the flexibility of veins and arteries. 114,000 participants in more than 7 research were given a couple servings of dark chocolate each week. According to the findings, those who consumed more chocolate had a lower risk of heart attacks by roughly 37% and a reduced risk of strokes by 29%.

Strengthens Memory .

According to research, when older persons were given cocoa extracts rich in flavanols, their cognitive abilities significantly improved. The main issue is that processing and the inclusion of eggs, sugar, and milk significantly reduce the percentage of cocoa flavanols in chocolate when it is consumed.

Increases Brain Activity. 

The study by Professor David Kennedy, Director of Brain, Performance, and Nutrition at Northumbria University Research Centre (UK), revealed the surprising result that participants who consumed 500 mg of flavanols in a hot cocoa drink experienced improved blood flow to the brain as a result and performed better on tasks requiring complex mathematical equations.

Enhances the Mood.

One of the most well-known conclusions came from study at Swinburne University in Australia, which focused on the polyphenols in cocoa and discovered that they had a positive impact on participants' moods, making them calmer and happier.

helps lower blood cholesterol levels.

According to research, our cholesterol levels decrease when we eat dark chocolate that contains flavanols and plant sterols.

Facilitates Exercise.

Epicatechin is yet another wonderful flavanol found in chocolate. When given this chemical, the rats were more physically fit and powerful than those who just had access to water. Researchers advise limiting your intake to just one-half square of a pill per day to get the most out of your workout!

Aids to Lower BMI .

There has been a lot of focus on how chocolate can lower your body mass index (BMI) which is how you measure your height versus your weight

When Should You See A Doctor?

You may now celebrate World Chocolate Day guilt-free knowing about its advantages!

However, we suggest that you consult a nutritionist to learn how to incorporate it into your diet in a balanced manner without endangering your health.
